Transforming Disruption to Impact:
Rethinking Volunteer Engagement for a Rapidly Changing World
Edited by Doug Bolton, Beth Steinhorn,
Jerome Tennille, and Craig Young
Now available!
Unlike in the past, when Americans responded to crises by collectively volunteering in record numbers, the COVID-19 pandemic restricted traditional in-person volunteering. Even though many organizations put their engagement strategies on hold, others experienced a dramatic increase in demand for services and leadership recognized the growing spotlight on racial injustices, as well as the opportunities that stem from technology. In response, these forward-thinkers actively adapted to engage community members despite the disruptions.
This book brings together the voices of CEOs, funders, corporate engagement leaders, volunteers, and volunteer engagement professionals—a collection of exemplary stories from those who transformed the disruptions into impact. These stories are the key to unlocking that potential.
“An important guidebook to rethinking volunteer work in the 21st century.” — Kirkus Reviews